Animation done by Carlos Castro

Model done by Daniel Tahmaz
Cö is a project between Space and Graphic Design, that is based on the cooperative and colective concepts. We were two graphic designers and two space designers.
The charge was design a new space for the Ali Bei 100-103 building. The assignment was the intention of coexist between two types of people, in our case the old people and their families. We should investigate about the limits and the common places between these two comunities.
For this, we had to make a whole identity based in a new and shaped typography and in six pastel colours, and then it just be trying and having fun with the project.

We'd found a great referent that was the Galapagos typeface by the Dinamo's foundry. Then, we thought that maybe it was a good idea re-do their methode based in shapes, and we start cutting and pasting.

First we just tryed to do the most architectonical shapes, and then we started to change all the glyphs to get the best result as possible.

Then, we've applied to the Type Thursday crit. It's an event about typography where some unfinished projects can be shown to an interesting public.

The co-object is a probe object that shows the movements of the people in their homes, in this case. It haves a packaging and little packs saving all the pieces of the act.

We thought that a common place could be the kitchen, where the old people could cook with their grandchilds. For this, we had created a recipe's book where the people could write their own recipes to make sure that other people could done it in an other case. We used the same green wood for the object and we cut it in the laser machine. The papers of each recipe vary in the six colours that we had chosen, and they handwrited it.

For the signage we have used the same shapes that we use with the typography. We thought the eight more common places and we have dedicated on these. We encase the final signage on a borderline with the same thickness.

For the project we've done two staging, one on each itinerary. For the space one, we've give more importance on the building and on each floor design. Alba tought that maybe it would be a good idea took a cake with an old recipe from her grandmother done it by her mom.
The experience was so satisfactory and so enriching for all of us. We had to thought in all cases how it will affect to our partners, and ask everything to all agree. We meet so many times to decide and to help each other with the last things.